Dare 15 – Run the extra mile (literally)

The dare: Add an extra mile to my morning run today.
Thoughts: I don’t want to. This is more than my body can handle. I’ll hurt myself. It’ll take too long. I’ll be late with everything else. I’m just compensating for that I didn’t workout yesterday.

Fear model 1
C Run the extra mile
T I’ll hurt myself
F worried
A do not run the extra mile, be overly cautious
R didn’t strenghthen my body’s defences

Self-confidence model 1
C Run the extra mile
T My body is totally capable of running the extra mile.
F self-confident
A run the extra mile
R improved stamina and strength

Fear model 2
C Run the extra mile
T I’ll be late for everything else.
F under pressure
A do not run the extra mile, constantly check what time it is, do not focus on the run
R be back late ?

Self-confidence model 2
C Run the extra mile
T I’ll be perfectly on time – just as planned.
F self-confident
A run the extra mile, focus on the run, do not check time
R be back on time

Fear model 3
C Run the extra mile
T I’m just compensating for yesterday.
F disapproving
A do not run the extra mile, beat myself up
R not appreciated workout ?

Self-confidence model 3
C Run the extra mile
T I have plenty of good reasons to run the extra mile.
F self-confident
A run the extra mile, see the benefits of it, appreciate myself
R Appreciated workout ?

Not sure about the R line of UM 2, UM 3 and IM3. Would appreciate your help!