Dare 21 – Tell her that I want to leave

I’m meeting this friend for sushi sometimes. We have long conversations that I enjoy. But there comes a time when I want to go home and do other things. I find myself hesitating to tell her and staying longer that I really want.

C Tell her that I want to leave
T I’m impolite to her
F Inhibited
A Do not tell her that I want to leave, spin thoughts about leaving and being home, withdraw from our conversation
R Being impolite to me by not honoring my needs. Being impolite to her by not being fully present.

C Tell her that I want to leave
T I’m honoring my needs.
F Self-confident
A Tell her that I want to leave, do not hesitate or spin thoughts, focus on conversation or leave
R Honored my needs, let her make it mean what she wants to make it mean

Learnings: Prepared with this intentional model, I felt more present during our meeting.
I was just about to tell her that I want to leave when she suggested we should go. 😉