Dating Rejection

I’ve been doing some online dating for the past 6 months. About 2 months ago, I spent a month texting frequently with one man before we went on a first date. The date went well. It appeared to be mutual attraction. We continued to text and he asked me for a 2nd date. It was lovely. We took a road trip for 5 hours where the conversation was easy, intimate and fun. He talked of future dates, activities that would be fun to do together and was very complimentary of me overall. Immediately after, the communication slowed. He was moving into a new house that week so I chalked it up to that. Then the communication stopped, but the last conversation we had was about him getting “jealous” of me flirting with other men. I haven’t heard anything from him since. I can understand not wanting to continue to date someone due to whatever reason you come up with during the dating process. But the mixed signals and the wonderful things he said about me and to me only to be followed with all communication stopped has been terrible. I did not text him to ask him what was wrong or why he stopped communicating. I won’t be that girl, as he told me of several others that went a little crazy when he didn’t text them back. By the way, he told me early on that communication (or lack thereof) was a big character flaw of his. I tell you all of this just to give you more insight, but the only thing that really matters is that we had constant communication for a month, followed by 2 wonderful dates and then…..nothing. I want to feel better about this because I know this is just part of the dating world. I have just never experienced this. I worked the model:
C-he stopped communicating after Date 2
T-he does not want to pursue this
F-rejected, perplexed, sad
A-taken my online profile down
R- no more dates

I know I need to change the thought. I tried “there are other men that DO want to date me” and “He is obviously not the man for me anyway” but the problem is that neither one of those thoughts actually make me feel better. I have no idea how to turn this rejection into a better thought. I just can’t shake the terrible feelings that I have over this. I don’t know how I could have misjudged what was going on SO badly. His words said one thing but then he did another.

I need help with re-working this model so I can move past this and start dating again.