Day 9 Dare Complete

I’ve been struggling with writing things down. Anything-emails, notes, thought downloads, etc. The interesting thing is is that I love to write however when I was very young both my mother and grandmother told me to be careful with what I wrote because people could find it and use it against me. I didn’t really know what that meant but the self-doubt and fear of failing or being rejected have stuck with me. I decided it’s time to let that crap go!

So…here I am, writing!

I took a big dare last night and bought a WordPress package for a blog I’m beginning! I have some ideas of what I will be blogging about but have been getting hung up about doing it right. I’ve heard and read it many times throughout my SCS journey to just start and don’t worry about being perfect so that’s what I did.

I failed by not doing it completely correct but that’s what they have Customer Support for. 🙂

It was scary and exciting all at the same time.

I’m on my way!!