Depression as a circumstance

I have a diagnosis of depression.

I understand that depression can cause low levels of energy and changes in appetite. I have that.

I want to take care of myself. I think I should be doing more for myself. I see that I am believing lies about others (others don’t really care about me).

I start to feel lonely.

When I feel lonely, I post things on social media to connect with others. I hug my children. I text my family. I don’t want to drive people away because I’m feeling down, so I don’t talk too much about about how depressed I feel. I take my medication. I help others. I am a health care provider. I avoid complaining because I think people don’t want to deal with my dark mood.

The result seems to be that I don’t care for myself.

I want to create feelings of acceptance during my depressive episodes. I want to be more productive. I feel better when things are done. I plan and do not complete my daily tasks.

I do not feel suicidal.

What resources in SCS may help me?

I’m working full time and showing up but I feel disconnected from people.