
So when I learned about the master class I said I was doing it no matter what!

I was the one on the entrepreneur call that wants to quit my job by February.

I need to replace my income ($2,000) with my brand new health coaching business that I currently have zero clients from.

After figuring out how this would all work, more fear came in.

-What if I can replace my income?
-I won’t have savings to fall back into?
-I’ll have no money.
-I’ll struggle.

Just fear.

Then I thought well worst case scenario if I don’t make the income by February then I’d just be able to go spend some time with my dad while I worked hard to get it.

I’d learn some great things from Brooke that same month so I’m sure I’ll be in good hands.

At this point, I’ve been just fooling around not really creating results.

This kinda puts me in a position where I HAVE to take action.

But I’m trying get my brain to work through it from a place of abundance and not scarcity.

So I’m doing this cause I told myself I would.

Now I just have to get through the fear and take action.