Dropping resentment (model help)

Hello and thanks for all that you guys do! I love SCS!

I am working on dropping some old resentment towards my husband that I have held on to for a long time. I want to take more responsibility and create the marriage I want. Can you take a look at my model and let me know if I am on the right track? Thank you!!

C: Married
T: “I’m still mad at you, even though you have said you were sorry, I understand that you were battling your own demons, and I know that you want the same things I do in this relationship (more love and affection and connection).”
F: Anger
A: Be rude/distant/think poorly of him
R: Our relationship suffers

C: Married
T: “The past is past and I waste my time living from it AND give up my power and responsibility to create the future I want. I now have a husband who wants closeness and connection so I’m dropping my anger and embracing love and acceptance and the joy and peace that can come from it! (Could use better ideas here. This feels a bit stiff and preachy)
F: Peace
A: When I feel that old resentful feeling and want to trash him in my mind, I take a breathe, remember (the above thought), and think of the things I love and respect about him.
R: Our relationship becomes more fun, easy, and close…. and I feel peaceful.

Thank you so much.