Escape from family

I am on vacation with my two young children, mom, sister. We are staying with my sister.
I am trying to manage the planning for future days given smoke in CA is throwing off already scheduled plans.
I am having a hard time managing the future planning, immediate prep, and being present with my children and other family.
My sister is crabby, which is common.
I feel as if I am responsible for most

I am having the thought: I have to get away from them (we are staying one more night and have activities today).
I have told myself they are a neutral circumstance, but my brain is observing and deciding they are not neutral.
I am trying to figure put how to not be impacted by their crabbing.
I also have thoughts like :
Why do I have a family like this?
How can I get away?
How can I make this stop?

Thank you.