Ex Boyfriend

My ex-boyfriend is moving out of state and decided to do this within about 3 weeks of us breaking up. I’m having a lot of thoughts about this. Here are the main ones:

There’s no chance of us dating again.
I probably won’t ever see him.
That was fast.
I don’t know how I feel about that.
I’m happy he’ll be with his family, but this is weird.
I wish I could change what he thinks of me.

I also am having thoughts about our recent text exchange when he told me he was moving and we had both originally talked about getting coffee as friends before he moves.

Here’s my model on it:

C: I said “Let me know when you’d want to meet for coffee before you leave.” He said, “Sounds good.” But has never texted an actual day to meet.
T: He doesn’t want to meet up with me.
F: Anxious
A: Tell myself I should let it go and judge my thought. Not move on. Internalize and wonder what he’s thinking of me nowadays.
R: I don’t maintain a friendship with him & I don’t move on.

I’m making him not wanting to meet with me (which isn’t even 100% fact because he might text me later with a date) mean that I’m undesirable. I was tough to date. He doesn’t like me anymore. And I need to have more friends that are not him to “show” I am desirable (which I know is a strange thought)… not sure where to go from here.
