Does exercise compete with our weight loss?

Dear Brooke,
I listen to the fabulous Katrina Ubell who coaches her clients NOT to exercise until after their weight is off. In fact, she explained in one of her podcasts that when she was a client of yours, your advice to have her STOP exercise actually led to her weight loss. Because of this advice of not wanting to break my body down, I have not been exercising consistently and have still seen consistent weight loss by following my protocol. That said, I love, love, love working out and do not use it for transactional weight loss (it has never worked for me and weight loss) but rather as my mind bliss and a way to make myself proud as well as exercise my labrador, Max.

What are your thoughts?

I love everything about Scholars. Keep it up (and thanks for giving me a shout out in one of your New Year’s podcasts–I was so so honored).Yes, friends, life changes when you apply this instead of just listening to it for years in your car like I was doing.