Extinguish Urges

Loved the last clip in your behind the scenes this month. It’s so captivating and easy to align with. Well Done!
Everyday I get a little better at identifying and allowing urges. Its been fun watching my mind at work.
So excited to dive into time management this month. I ordered a Panda planner last month, it will be a great tool to incorporate into creating massive action with gratitude. The one year anniversary of my fathers passing was in March and I found myself weaving in and out brief moments of grief. Also watching my mind go there and allowing the feelings to be. But sometimes they had to be pushed aside to get through whatever I was involved in & I did find urges to eat and drink that arose at those times, not all went unanswered. But for once in my life I was aware of the patterns and that is a beautiful thing. I am learning so much.
Thanks Brooke & Team.