F/u questions r/t Moody Boss

Thank you for responding to my question but I’m still struggling with what thoughts I can have when my Boss is angry. I understand he can act any way he wants but what are the thoughts I can have that will keep me calm (immune to his outbursts) without inciting more anger. Because I’m struggling to find thoughts of love and compassion when he act like this.

Unintentional model:
C: I asked Boss question regards to up coming project, he slams down chart and says “I don’t care what you do” Nobody around here can do anything right!”
T: Something I’m doing is making him unhappy
F: Fear
A: Walk away until he comes down
R: Stay away from him the rest of the day

Intentional Model
C: Boss slams down chart and says ” I don’t care what you do. No one around here can do anything right!”
T: Something is upsetting him but it’s not me. He’s just stressed out by situation or tired. I know I do good work. This not my fault even if he directing to me. He’s just him being him.
F: I want to feel calm but not quite there
A: Stay focus on getting project done
R: Project is done and done well

When he is expressing anger it’ s hard for me not feel like I’m doing something wrong. If I ask him is it something I’m doing, it looks like I’m insecure. When he’s yelling I’m like a deer in the head lights. What are the thoughts I can have that will keep me cool and collected in the moment and not incite more anger or dislike. Right now I just freeze up which is probably not helping.

Thanks again for your help!