
hi there
i booked 3 weeks vacation with my bf. during our travel we are driving around australia. Now he has been offered a really amazing opportunity for a job. And he has to go work for them for 3 days. And thats exactly when we are going to australia. so the first 4 days i’m alone there.
i don’t have any problem to fly there by myself and i also don’t have any problem to be alone in the city perth for 3 nights. Because i’ve done that already a few times. and i’m sure i’m gonna have a great time and make it a few great days. of course i would rather share it with him.
but the main problem now is that i have to drive all by myself from perth to margaret river. that a 3 hours drive.
for everyone else that should be no problem but i have a scarcity mindset when it comes to driving. especially in foreign countries. i’ve adapted this scarcity mindset from my dad. I could choose to take the bus but i chose to overcome that fear and proof myself that i can do it. in the next two weeks before i’m going on vacation i want to work on my thoughts. at the moment am terrified. here are my thoughts:

its to hard
i’m going to have an accident
i will be confused
i don’t know which way to go and will make so many faults that will lead up to an accident.

mostly i am scared that i will have an accident.
i will get paralized
thats my main fear.

c: getting a car and driving from perth to maragaret river
t: i’m not gonna make it
f: fear
a: drive really insecure, being scared all the time

how do i overcome this fear?

i’m especially scared when there are many cars involved and many streets.

thanks for helping