Fear of commitment

I’ve been struggling with a new fear when it comes to making commitments that involve trips with my friends. I know I can’t control what happens and I know the fear is irrational, but I am still stuck in fear thinking even that thought.

C: Got invited to a bachelorette party 7 hours outside of town
T: Something bad might happen to someone I’m close to while I am gone
F: Fear
A: Wait to respond to invite, ruminate about the possibilities, ignore the fact that I need to respond, don’t get excited about something very exciting. I adore this friend and would love to celebrate with her if I didn’t have these fears.
R: Don’t respond. Potentially seem uninterested in a really close friend and unenthusiastic for something important to her.

C: Got invited to an event for next November that required a payment this month.
T: What if a family member wants to do something that day or my family wants to plan something but I can’t because I have plans to go to this event and then I miss out on creating a memory and something bad happens?
F: Fear
A: Don’t text my friend back for hours. Look for evidence that something bad won’t happen even though I know I can’t control life.
R: Finally commit over fear of upsetting my friend or missing out on a fun day.