Fear of gaining the weight back

I’m almost at my weight goal and I’ve decided to reintroduced exceptions (with flour and sugar) because I was starting to be afraid of food. I want to know how my body respond. I want to test it. So the answer I found to my fear of gaining the weight back is to be willing to fail.

C I am eating an exception with flour and sugar
T I am going to gain my weight back
F afraid
A avoid exceptions, think about it all the time, stress about plateau, rethink the protocol over and over
R I am not loosing weight (still 2 kg to go)

C I am eating an exception with flour and sugar
T I am willing to fail on purpose in order to know my body better
F determined
A I test exceptions methodically, scientifically, with analytic mind, there is no drama just math, I take a lot of notes and do lots of models, I anticipate and decide on purpose, I think about the long run
R I know how my body respond to exceptions, flour and sugar