fear of public speaking

hi Brooke! I have recently been given the honor of being Maid of Honor at a dear friends’ wedding this summer. Only problem is I have a fear of public speaking. It’s a developed issue.. in grade school I loved to speak in public and be the center of attention, but then as I matured, I slowly became more and more uncomfortable being in front of others. I get very embarrassed, face red, hot/sweaty, anxious, my heart beats hard and I can’t think straight. I’ve considered getting a public speaking coach, but wondering if there’s something I can do on my own (via SCS) to help this. I am reading the book “Presence” by Amy Cuddy and have heard great quotes like “Everyone I speak in front of deeply loves me, they just don’t know it yet”. They help a lot, in theory, but in the actual moment… doesn’t sustain me 🙂

Any thoughts or advice? Thank you 🙂