Your feedback on niche, problem and solution

I would really value your feedback on my ideal client profile. Thank you so much for sharing your skill, knowledge and experience with the world Brooke – seriously, you are not just an example of what is possible, you are what is possible.
LOVE to you my friend.
IDEAL CLIENT (basically me 3 years ago!)
• 30-50 year old women
• Parent
• Rushed, overwhelmed, lost in to-do-list, feel stuck, life on repeat, everyday feels the same
• Household income over $200k
• Smart and understand they have untapped potential inside but feel like they don’t have the time or ability to do anything about it
• Ready for change, over trying to make changes themselves and failing and are ready to take it to the next level, committed to doing work with a coach, tired of life on repeat, want results, want a bigger better life for themselves, want to grow personally and professionally
Who benefits most from this work? Women, mothers, busy professionals, motivated, smart, successful type A women who know there is more to life and want help getting better at managing their emotions, mindset and time so they can start to create and contribute to the world in the ways they know they can
• Feel stuck
• Overwhelmed
• Unfulfilled
• Numbing out with all the things I numbed out with: alcohol, over exercising, over eating, obsessing about weight/body, rushing/busying themselves to avoid the truth that they are lost, stuck and unfulfilled
• Not sure what’s next but know that there is something inside of them that they want to get out into the world
• Lack direction
• Want to better manage emotions, time, money, life
• Feel there is no space or time to create the future they desire
• I will show you how to manage your emotions
• Let me teach you how to stop numbing out and start living
• I can help you create the future you desire

Thank you for your feedback!