Feedback On Models

Could you please give me feedback about my models.

C – No message from him yet this morning
T – He should be missing me
F – Lonely and ignored
A – Withdraw, think about it obsessively, indulge in emotion, want to buffer, check phone constantly and waste time
R – Feel alone and disconnected from him (?)

C – No message from him yet this morning
T – I should matter, be the most important thing to him
F – Cheated and resentful
A – Withdraw, think about it obsessively, indulge in emotion, want to buffer, check phone constantly and waste time
R – I’m not treating MYSELF as the most important thing to me

C – No message from him yet this morning
T – He’s not playing his part in my dream life fantasy
F – Uptight and frustrated
A – Withdraw, think about it obsessively, indulge in emotion, want to buffer, check phone constantly and waste time
R – I’m not playing MY part in creating my dream life

After listening to the podcast #271 this week, I am trying to be completely honest in my models and now to look at them with curiosity and without judging them (even though I initially don’t like that these are my thoughts, especially the third one). After I sat with them for a while, I tried these on:

Intentional Model:
C – No message from him yet this morning
T – ?
F – Calm, peaceful and easy
A – Focus on the task at hand without distraction, buffering or checking my phone
R – I show up in my life as who I want to be, regardless of what he does

C – No message from him yet this morning
T – I know that he loves me and that we are deeply connected always no matter what
F – Connected and loved
A – Focus on the task at hand without distraction, buffering or checking my phone
R – ?