Feedback on UTM & ITM. Thank you!

C: Relationship w/ James
T: I don’t trust him. I think he is a fox. He wanted me to pay him to start a PYP SB chapter after it was already established. He gave me bad advice. He wanted PYP logo on all my material.
F: distrustful
A: not be upfront w/ him
R: I am not trustworthy.

C: Same
T: I don’t trust him & that’s okay. I am just having a thought that he is a fox. We were able to work out an agreement where I didn’t pay him for my work. He gave me advice based on what he knew. He now knows what his responsibilities are as a fiscal sponsor & so do I. This provided me an opportunity to establish my own 501c3 and learn so much about running a business, a Board & being an effective leader. I have my own logo that really represents the heart of what the mission & vision for PYSB is. I would like to work w/ James collaboratively to support prisoners & policies worldwide to implement yoga & mindfulness programs as a low-cost, supplemental, evidence-based rehabilitative intervention.
F: grateful
A: Take action steps to be a successful, self-sustainable nonprofit. Organize Board Meeting w/ intention to create bond w/ team, give them update, delegate & ask for contacts & fundraising ideas. Find an assistant to do QBs, attendance & scheduling. Continue to do outreach w/ local studios, yoga teachers & YMCAs. Talk to James to reestablish rapport. Organize interviews and opportunities to public speak. Invite other teachers to do this with me.
R: Successful nonprofit. Enjoy the journey.

Love, Ginny