I feel sad and its OK

This month’s theme is starting to sync in. It wasn’t resonating initially. But it suddenly hit me: its OK to feel sad. Its OK to feel all of my feelings and not try to change them. To just allow them.

I had a coffee date today with someone new. I was feeling sad but instead of pushing it away, I was present to the situation. I was really open and present and not trying to be something/someone else. I was totally focused on him, and being open and curious. At the same time, I answered his questions truthfully – the good, the bad and the ugly. LOL I could tell he was really into the date too – he was totally focused on me too! 🙂

And after the date, I was glad that it went so well but I still felt sad. And that was OK. I don’t have to change that. So cool!

Its amazing to feel “negative” feelings and have it be OK and not a big deal! Wow!

Thank you, Brooke, for this month’s theme. Awesome stuff!