Feeling overwhelmed.

Brooke, On one hand I feel like I’m on the verge of a break through and yet, I’m spinning and buffering big time. I have been a devotee of your work and knew that SCS was exactly what I needed. I set my intention to do this SCS work this year to prepare myself for new professional work–including getting healthy, losing weight (I need to lose a lot–like 75lb), making new professional connections, updating LinkedIn/resume, etc. I am a corporate executive and a leader in a variety of civic organizations; I make a very good living but I am deeply dissatisfied and procrastinate which causes stress. I keep steeling myself to do this work, thinking that if I can just make it 5 more years, I will be 60 and I will have banked a ton of money and THEN I can be financially free to pursue my dreams. I keep wrestling with this notion. My time is enormously consumed by work and other responsibilities including my ten year old and my husband. I am not progressing doing SCS, I feel like I’m getting worse. Knowing all of the resources you have made available to me, I feel overwhelmed and not sure how to start fresh. Advice for me, Brooke??? I am exactly the client you describe you want to have–someone who already has a great life but they KNOW they were meant to be MORE. I know it’s a “dream stealer,” but I do indeed feel overwhelmed.