Feeling responsible for 4 year old’s tantrums

C- My daughter [4 yrs] gets triggered by her friend [4yrs] and hits him out of anger.
T- She shouldn’t be doing this
F- anger
A- scream at my daughter, micromanage the kids, hide toys that can be used as weapons, lecture my daughter on how she should not be doing this, try to take her out of the play area
R- I do things that don’t feel good to me

I got coached on this model and I found that my brain was the one who made it worse for me. I am trying to neutralize this situation as it will happen again.

C- My daughter [4 yrs] gets triggered by her friend [4yrs] and hits him out of anger.
T- It is OK
F- compassion
A- Allow the urge to scream at her, say nothing, see how things would play out if I didn’t do anything, trust that the children won’t harm each other, observe how other adults respond to this situation
R- I become the observer of this fight and not react impulsively

I would like to play out this model, but I really fear one of the kids or the adults would be hurt. Kids get hurt physically and emotionally, and adults emotionally. I would love to not take responsibility for how my child is acting, but as her mother, I feel I am obligated to be responsible for her actions. I wonder if the above model is the only way or there is some other way to solve this problem.