Finding my contribution meaningless

My job is a good job by anyone else’s standards. Every day I complete tasks that benefit our customers and society, so there *is* meaning in the work, but I constantly tell myself that nothing I’m doing is that meaningful or special and that I’m wasting my life. My job/career is an emblem of Corporate America, and I hate that I feel this way. My job allows me to have several nice things in my life. I feel like a conformist and like someone who will never achieve anything great.

C: Doing daily tasks at work which include looking at policies
T: I feel like a conformist and that I’m wasting my life
F: Resentment
A: Scroll social media, get annoyed when an email hits my inbox, convince and persuade myself to keep going with the task, tell myself I’m falling behind, compare myself to really interesting entrepreneurs who are so much more motivated than I am, doubt that I’ll ever get anything important done in my life, try to get my other tasks done, feel unimportant
R: Make my day to day work life even harder

I would love more insight into this model. I’ve been modeling on this for a while and feel stuck in not liking my work.