First Time Effort At Scheduling

Thank goodness I have a tutoring session on Tuesday! I am a new Self Coaching Scholar! πŸ˜€ Thank you!!

I did my first ever To Do Download two weeks ago, and YUCK! I had 55+ actions BEFORE breaking it all down. Seriously. In your AMAZING webinar on Throw Away Your To Do List you mentioned how overwheled people have felt because they think they have too much to do until they tell you and it’s only like 10 things, and then from there the To Do Downloads get smaller. Uh… just 10? Clearly this must be a serious sign that I have been avoiding basically EVERYTHING?! Yikes! I admit, there is A LOT I want to create, (my mind is almost always in ideas-to-create-mode) but obviously I have not sceduled anything… aka: my body is never in Action-mode… I feel awesome and excited and passionate when in the creation part of my brain, but scheduling and taking action always seem to bring up the same feelings… Terror, panic. I live with my four children and grandson. I am morbidly obese (I gained a lot if weight after a rape 7 years ago… the reason I joined scholars is to heal my thinking around that and my childhood traumas). I wanna be a badass, but I usually feel to weak for the tasks and literally have nightmares where I wake up in terror, panic and grief. I realized through doing the Unintentional Though Model that I am noticing whether I am fat or thin, Terror and Panic are always there. Including following through on some of the things I have scheduled, or want to schedule but Terror and Panic stop me from even putting certain things on the schedule.