Flour products

I was doing a tedious powerful worksheet in a cafe today with a flour product(my new name for French pastries, bread, pizza and pasta) and I only ate a few bites. My dare of the day was to ask the waiter to please take it away as I had finished with it. I realised that I didn’t want to ask that. I often have an issue when doing the model with my result. Do you think these models are correct?

C Dare – ask for unfinished food to be taken away
T It might draw attention to me
F Fear
A Leave it unsaid
R It draws attention anyway as it’s on my table unfinished

C Dare – ask for unfinished food to be taken away
T I can ask for what i want and feel whatever comes up. It’s ok for me not to finish food. I can like and dislike things. It’s ok for me to have my own opinions. I can feel uncomfortable. I can be myself in the world.
F Self Confidence
A Say “I’m finished with that”
R Dare completed