Flying Work


So this month I have set 2 goals for myself to help with my fear of flying. I am sure you remember, my fear of flying has everything to do with my thinking that I cannot get off the plane and the claustrophobia that comes as a result of that thinking. So while these may seem off base, they are right on target. Puzzle room & corn maze. Going to start trying to do a trial runs of things that cause my brain to freak out to help manage my thinking on the ground, before I go up in the plane.

C: I am going to a corn maze
T: OH HELL NO! That is not an option, we will be trapped in there, I cannot handle being unable to get out.
F: Panic
A: Hyperventilate, room spins, stomach lurches, think I cannot do this, think I am setting myself up to fail
R: Continue to believe that I cannot/will not do this, continue to let me fear/panic affect my thinking/feelings, miss out on things I want to do

C: I am going to a corn maze
T: I can feel my feelings, if I panic it is fine, I can handle any feeling in my body
F: Optimistic
A: Hyperventilate, room spins, stomach lurches, think I can do this even with those things happening, love and support myself, remember I have the tools and I can handle any feeling in my body
R: Work to allow the feelings/fears/thoughts as they come, work to believe I can handle any feeling in my body, work to believe I can do this

Any suggestions?
