FOMO/Scarcity Thinking

I have enrolled in a life and leadership coach training program which will begin in January. I’m not sure I want to pursue coaching as a second career. I was always intrigued by this program because of the huge personal growth component; however, the mandatory retreat in California was the main reason I didn’t enroll, as I’m not a fan of flying cross country and it would require extra days off from work to attend. Then COVID happened and I got an email saying the retreat is virtual this year. I took it as a sign to look into it further. They accept a max of 50 people and there was an application which took about 45minutes to complete. At this point I figured I’d never be asked for an interview. Lo and behold I was contacted for an interview. Then I figured I’d never get accepted after the interview. I did. Once this happened, I felt that this was a huge wink from the Universe, so I enrolled. This program requires 2 days of class per week, plus homework/peer work.

The issue I’m having is my participation in Be Bold and Scholars. I’ve been in Be Bold for a year and Scholars for 2 months and enjoy both programs. I’m experiencing serious FOMO knowing I’ll likely need to give them up to constrain to my studies. I came up with:

C:  Quitting SCS/BB in December to focus on class in January
T:  I will be missing out if I quit SCS and BB to constrain to class
F:  Scarcity
A:  Spin, try to figure out how to do it all, “hoard” SCS and BB calls and materials, ask other people
for help and advice on how I can do it all, ruminate, obsess on what I will not have in January
R:  I miss out on the full experience of all BB/SCS, and class

So I would like to get to this and I think I’m almost there.

C:  Quitting SCS/BB in December to focus on class in January
T:  I have gained many skills which will help me as I start my new adventure
F:  Abundant
A:  Set up my cancellations, keep my materials, use the knowledge I’ve gained over this time in both programs, stop questioning myself, do my daily thought work, know that I’m always provided for in all ways, trust that any knowledge and tools I have will be useful to me, know that if I’m supposed to rejoin there will be opportunities to do so, listen to podcasts to keep current with the work
R:  I use my self coaching skills to benefit myself as I start class in January