Food Protocol challenges

I am trying the weight loss program and I don’t understand how to follow the protocol. It’s like I know what I want to eat when to eat and how much to eat but my brain is rejecting it and turning to old habits.

Sometimes I manage to catch myself mid-action (my hand going for a cookie) and stop it. However most of the time I realize that I ate out of the protocol after the deed was done.

C I have just eaten chocolate out of my protocol
T It doesn’t matter
F Disbelief
A Continue eating out of the protocol
R Lack of trust in myself and my ability to follow the protocol. Not losing weight

Intentional model
C I have just eaten chocolate out of my protocol
T I wonder if I can lose weight by adding a little bit of chocolate in my protocol
F Curiosity
A Add 50g of chocolate to my protocol and track my progress. Get curious about my desire to eat chocolate.
R Trustful relationship with myself