Freedom & Power


I need some help with the Model that I made.
(Context: I have never tried the coaching biz before. )
C: I started my IG account but for the last month I haven’t created anything there
T: I won’t succeed as a coach. How am I supposed to become #1 in my industry if I don’t work hard/ take massive action?
F: Feeling weak and powerless
A: I basically criticize myself and I am hard on myself. I also m hard on every member of the family around me. I also continue to procrastinate and freeze in fear. I get aggressive. I theorize a lot about the Model/approach / the coaching…
R: I don’t get anywhere and I think that though I don’t want to be weak and powerless, I am weak & powerless.

I also realized that probably for me success is about power and freedom vs powerlessness and dependence. Thus my thoughts – feelings – actions loop

Question- how to construct a productive ladder to Intentional Model??