Future Focus

I am a new Scholar as of July and I just listened to your Future Focus podcast. The story you told of your client in her seventies really struck a cord. Although I am in my late fifties, her thoughts about the final chapter of her life resonated with me and I realized that in many ways I have been looking at life from the same vantage point which feels now to be so limiting.

After the loss of my husband, my dad, my sister, my mom and one of my closest friend in the span of six years, it seemed as though much of what I viewed as the best if my life was behind me.

I know I need to change my thinking about this and focus on the future with thoughts that serve me. I have four amazing kids with whom I am very close. I have always reflected on my life with incredible gratitude and have a career in which I find deep meaning and purpose. Yet, in many ways, Iā€™m not living with thoughts that are future focused as my results when it comes to fitness and weight loss have not been successful – which means I am thinking past thoughts. Not sure what the question is but perhaps I looking for direction on thinking more deliberate thoughts