GAINED 23 lbs

Over the last 8 months I have gained 23 lbs.

That’s the exact time we moved in with my Mother temporarily. Sometimes I feel like I have no time to decompress or be with my own thoughts. I used to have a great morning routine to journal my thoughts, pray and be in silence before the start of my day. Now I try to find quiet time and it is always interrupted. My mornings are rushed and they don’t feel like they are my own. I try to not make this reason to break my protocol but I continue breaking my protocol.

I tried to get coaching (since I’m double diamond) on this and I felt like the coach basically told me, “you’re grown, stop blaming your Mother.”

While I obviously KNOW intellectually at 50 that I’m grown, I NEED HELP WITH MY THINKING. If I could do it on my own, I wouldn’t be in scholars.

SO…with that, please help me with my model & add any other insight you can beyond pointing out that I’m an adult.

C – Weight is 23 lbs heavier than it was 8 months ago
T – Scholars weight loss program isn’t working for me
A – Use my 20 min coaching for help, write into ask a coach for help, not give up even though I feel defeated, I KNOW dieting isn’t the answer, make a plan, don’t follow the plan, not allowing urges, frustrated because not allowing urges, merry go round