Goal Q

Hi Brooke, While I am in this experience of looking after Ray while he has this terminal illness, I want to do this month’s work to the best of my ability in the time I have available. I have found I have gained weight since he became sick. This happened through buffering and abandoning protocol. I did not and do not want to feel! But I see this as a major opportunity to understand myself and feel feelings instead of eating them. Here is my goal.
By Oct 4th I will have stayed on protocol for 30 days. I will have lost 3kg and be aware of my buffering strategies. I will understand a cluttered mind is reflected in my personal spaces. Therefore my fridge, freezer and office will be delivered of all unwanted things.
I did want to clean out my closet and draws as well but thought I might be ‘biting’ off too much. Ray has made enough of a recovery to bring him home. For all that is going on in his body he is amazing. I remembered what you said ‘what would love do’. Love has given us more time
Am I expecting too much with this goal?