Grateful & Guilty feelings about Hurricane Harvey

Hi Brooke,

I can’t help, but feel very sad and despondent for my fellow Houstonians. I’m very grateful that my home didn’t flood, all material belongings are in tact, and that all is well for my family and friends. I’ve donated money and once the water decreases and I’m able to get out of my neighborhood, I’ll see where I can volunteer.

However, all that said, I feel incredibly guilty. Guilty that I’m living in prosperity, while so many are literally homeless. Guilty that I have my family, while so many have no idea where their family is located or if even alive. Guilty that I don’t have more to give.

So I know that these feelings are based in my thoughts, but I can’t seem to get past them. I feel stuck and sad and annoyed. And at the same time focusing on getting to a better feeling like happy or jolly, just doesn’t seem right during this time. But my current feelings are not helping me, because I haven’t been very focused or productive these last couple of days.

Any feedback is appreciated.

Thank you,
Melodee Forbes