
Is guilt an indulgent emotion also? I feel guilty when I’m not at work or I go on holiday. My thoughts are “I should be at work”
I recognise this as something I’ve been thinking for years and although i’m getting better at not being at work, I still feel like i should be there. I see i’m trying to ‘action’ myself to a place of feeling good, but it’s not good as the thought’s aren’t helping. Can you help me with some bridging thoughts if possible

c holidays/time off
t i should be at work
f guilt
a thinking about work
r don’t enjoy holiday/time off – may as well be at work

c holidays/ time off
t i should be at work but i want to be with family also
f conflicted
a thinking about work
r don’t enjoy holiday/time off – with family but not 100% present

I try to ‘action’ myself to the place by taking time off and i use the model below, it does feel better, but i keep slipping back into guilt. Do I just need to be more deliberate with my thinking and keep coming back to the thoughts that give me a better feeling? Ie that guilt comes from a thought error?

c Holidays/time off
t I can have a balanced life
f peaceful
a take time off work/go on holiday
r I work and spend time with family

Thanks for everything