Having a Hard Time Jumping Ship…

I’m in a business that’s on it’s way out. Strike that. It’s BEEN on it’s way out since the early 2000’s. I got into an industry during the late 1980’s and had a great run. My mentor made $150M and I did 8 figures. Since then, the industry has changed and it’s no longer what it was. My mentor, who had a massive building amd large staff – is barely getting by. It’s just him and a handful of employees – 2 of whom are his family members (who he feels obligated to continue to hire). He’s holding on because he’s deep in debt – and this is the only life he’s known. It’s his entire identity. So he’s told me he’s going to continue to do this business, regardless.

I’ve held on because it’s all I’ve known since I was in my teens. Even though month-to-month is tenuous in the biz … I continue to scrape by, because it’s familiar. It’s stressful, but it’s familiar and stressful. I’ve been thinking about starting a life coaching business – but having some fear with starting something new and the time it’ll take to get that up, running, and making money. So I continue to bail water out of this sinking ship … because at least there’s remnants of a ship to stand on. If I jump ship, I’m not sure where shore is – or how long it’ll take to swim to get there – and if I can make it that long. So while I know I’m not “stuck” – I feel stuck. Any thoughts for someone who probably just needs to jump ship and work his arse off to launch something new … instead of worrying/stressing about the old sinking ship?