Help with a new thought

I am constantly comparing myself to others. Especially my sister in law. I was just on vacation and found myself even thousands of miles away from her thinking these thoughts:
T:what would she think of my outfit? If she was here she would be dressed so much cuter, her kids would have better outfits, how does she always look so good, how does she always have it all together, she is so skinny, I want to be like her, her house is so cute and decorated, everyone loves her, how did she loose the baby weight so fast, she eats whatever she wants.
F: jealous
A: spinning-
R: I don’t work on myself

New Model
C: Sister in Law
T: We are both kicking ass
F: Motivated?
A: Keep working on myself
R: I evolve

Okay so I am trying to figure out even what I want to feel in regards to her. I don’t want to be comparing myself to her at all. I love her and we have so much fun together. These thoughts are making her seem like she’s the enemy which isn’t the case at all. I just want to be her sister and feel love for her but also feel love for myself. But when I am comparing her weight loss to mine I don’t know if Love is the feeling that will get me the result I want. Having trouble finding a thought that is loving for her and that will motivate me.

Thanks! I love you! (thats an easy one 🙂 )