help on R line and intentional model


I have been working on this model and I need help with the R line and also with the thought on the intentional model.

Unintentional model :

C I paid the same yearly subscription twice
T I throw money out the window
F Concerned
A Wrote the second later to explain and ask for a refund, Told myself I would check to see if i throw money elswhere, thought it will be hard and annoying and I will do it later when I had more time, started scrolling on facebook, stopped scrolling as I realized I was buffering, went on to my morning routine, did thought download about this circumstance and model, realized I have a lot of negative thoughts about how I manage money, thought how hard it will be to learn and do otherwise
R ???

C I paid the same yearly subscription twice
T ??? I can handle money seems not very real right now…
F Confident
A Check out my accounts, make a plan, stick to it, learn more about managing money,
R Take conscious decisions about money