Help with a model

Hi! Can you please help me to clean up my model. I started with an action. It’s harder for me to start with an action. I wanted to understand what is the thought that leads me to want to text to my boyfriend something like: “you’ve been texting to me less than usual lately, is there any reason for it”? The feeling that makes me want to do it is self doubt. But once I did the model I’ve discovered it might be a fear or anxiety. When I check my thought back to see if it give me the same feeling, it brings up another feeling.

C: fewer texts from boyfriend
T: He is not interested in me as much as before (which actually creates a feeling of anxiety or fear)
Thought that leads to the self doubt could be something like: something is wrong
F: self doubt/anxiety/fear
A: want to text him “you’ve been texting to me less than usual lately, is there any reason for it”?
R: I’m losing interest in me?

Please help me to clean that up. Thank you