Help with my intentional model about my sleep habits

I’ve been working on my intentional model to work on the thoughts that I have about my sleep habits. I’ve terrible sleep habits and I know that it is caused by my thoughts and my actions but because I’ve been doing this for a long time, it is difficult to put my intentional model into practice. It works well some nights but I go back to my unintentional model most of the nights. I feel that I am going in circles. I would like to be able to practice my intentional model in a way that gradually helps me calm my thoughts and relax my brain at night but I don’t know how.

Unintentional model:
C: It takes me 2-3 hours to fall asleep at night
T: I cannot fall asleep because I have so many wonderful thoughts and ideas that I need to write to use them for my business’ content creation. Otherwise, I will not remember them in the morning.
F: Motivated but exhausted
A: Write blogs, and start to add more things to my content creation calendar
R: Fall asleep at 2am, wake up exhausted and repeat the cycle over and over again

Intentional model:
C: Same
T: I will schedule time for content creation during the day and respect my time to sleep
F: Calm and relaxed
A: Stop using my phone at night and calm my mind
R: Fall asleep faster and wake up feeling rested

Thank you!