"How to enjoy being you" workbook – I am stuck on p.82-83

I have been doing the “How to enjoy being you” workbook and I would like some coaching on the p.82-83 set of questions.
I am struggling seeing how this trait can help move towards my goal.
Can you let me know what you think?
Thanks a lot.

Question: Write down one thing about yourself. It can be “good” or “bad”. Pick a characteristic that you would use to describe yourself to someone who doesn’t know you
Answer: I am hypersensitive.

Q: Now write about how you can enjoy this about yourself and appreciate this about yourself. See its value in your life (even if you see it as part of your “negative” side). See where it may have served you.
A: I feel positive emotions very intensely.

Q:When you look at this truth about yourself, notice where you might be holding back because you are afraid of what others might think of you. How can you turn up the volume on this to be more of who you are?
A: Sometimes I try to hide my emotions, so that people don’t think I’m weird. I could find a space (drawing? writing?) to release and express these emotions.

Q:Have you denied this part of you because you have a vision of how you would rather be or how you are supposed to be? What might that be costing you when it comes to living an authentic life?
A: Not having an activity to release these “over-emotions”, especially the negative ones, prevents me to be serene in my work/personal life.

Q:What do you most desire for yourself and your life? How can this trait help get you there? How is this trait truly for you?
A: My current goal is to create my business and I don’t see how this trait could help me. I only see all the ways it can’t serve me.

–> Can you help me see clearly through this?
Thanks a lot.