How to get from worried to calm

A relative has had some medical tests come back out of range. She is waiting for more tests and is very worried. I would like to use the model to improve my response so that I can support her. The old me would have worried too, which could have affected my day to day, and my sleep and my health etc. I now know there are more useful thinking patterns available but not sure how to get there.

C: A relative has had some medical tests come back out of range.
T: I think something could be terribly wrong with her health.
F: Worried
A: Ruminate about worst case scenarios, eat rubbish, stay awake at night.
R: My health is suffering terribly.

Now I’m aware that I can choose my feelings but it’s not easy. I would like to think: Today everything is okay (or something similar).

C: A relative has had some medical tests come back out of range.
T: Today everything is okay
F: Calm
A: I look after myself, I make healthy choices for me, I offer support to my relative from a strong place.
R: My health is okay. I feel like I’m supportive.

But I can’t jump straight to that, so I would like some help in building some ladder thoughts to get there. Thank you.