How to manage thoughts when I’m angry ?

Here is my usual Model :
C- I sit down after putting our 2-year old son to bed. My husband asks me a question about how to do something
T- Again another task that he did not anticipate or understand / I need to do everything by myself / I cannot rely on him
F- Angry, tired, disappointed
A- I blame him and say hard things
R – Disconnection in the couple / Conflict / Husband silent (and no change in anticipation)

Intentional model :
C- I sit down after putting our 2-years-old-son to bed. My husband asks me a question about how to do something
T- I rely on myself / I’m the one who anticipates and organizes and I like doing this / he brings peace to our couple and son
F- Acceptance
A- Do my best to answer
R- Peace

New model that I noticed in my body and brain (instead of the intentional model)
C- I sit down after putting our 2-years-old-son to bed. My husband asks me a question about how to do something
T- I feel the anger in my body now, I’m physically tired, and I don’t feel like doing any thought work now. I will just avoid and blame him again
F- Angry
A- Short answer / silence
R – Disconnection in the couple (but no long conflict)

Question:  When I’m tired and get angry, my “old” thought models seem out of control. How to go further ? Thank you!