Hurry makes food exciting

I am working on different areas, all linked of course: overeating, insomnia, buffering with social media.

So I have this pattern that I have known for years already is there but not yet made it to change.

It is a feeling of hurry and excitement when the meal is approaching. This tends to be stronger at dinner time and creates an energy arousal that might be interfering with my sleep, or at least this is the hypothesis I’d like to discard now.

Of course I am creating hurry in my own head, from thoughts like “it is getting too late”, “I need to have food now”, but more than that it is not associated with the actual dinner time, that can vary and I still create hurry.

So below,  these are the thoughts I am rather sure my brain generates the hurry on purpose with:

– Hurry and craving for food make the food experience more pleasurable

While I am eating what I planned and not indulging in quantity, I guess this is the way my overdesire for food still finds a way to express

My questions:

– Suggestions on how to decondition that? What I thought so far was: hurry raising up, notice the thought, notice the sensation and still execute the sequence of movements that bring me to the dish at the normal pace. When I tried, tension was increasing though, so I must have been resisting
– while removing all the ways my overdesire expresses, is there a way I can focus more on the root source of this overdesire?