Husband is not following my manual

My husband left his job just before the pandemic in February. It’s 11 months now and he still doesn’t have a job. I have a full-time job and trying to have a coaching business on the side for more than 6 months. He is in marketing and can easily work on my business. He won’t. He is not interested in it. He doesn’t care. I can’t leave my job because he doesn’t have a job.

C- My coaching business
T- he should be taking care of my marketing
F- entitled
A- not launch Facebook ads, not learn ways to market myself, make posts on social media depending on my mood, don’t be consistent with my offers, don’t make offers for long time
R- I am not taking care of my marketing

I am using my husband as an excuse to not show up in my business. I want to have goals but I don’t work on them. I set my goal and forget about it. I become unconscious of my old habits. How can I be more deliberate?