Husband’s ex girlfriend

Before I met my husband he had dated someone for a few years and had lived with her for a few months. Once he and I started dating he told numerous lies to me about his relationship with her and I caught him still having her phone number in his phone under a pseudonym. We were able to work through it and move on.

He’s now in a new job and yesterday he bumped into her at a building he will be managing. He text me right away to let me know he bumped into her (I had actually wondered if it would happen) and my mind went off to the races! Things I hadn’t thought about for the past 10 years were front and center. He said that he had looked to see if he would be managing the building he remembered her working in and since it wasn’t on his list, he didn’t expect to bump into her.

For today’s homework my models look like:
C John bumped into Kim
T I have a feeling he manifested that
F Awful
A My mind is racing; not letting go of the past; replaying the old story
R I am manifesting this

C John bumped into Kim
T It’s human nature to be curious about someone from your past
F Neutral
A Remember times I looked up people from my past
R I accept human nature

I would really like to not have this situation take over my thoughts but one second I feel neutral and the next second I’m feeling worried and awful.

Any suggestions for help with my models?