I believe but not doing the work

Hey there Brooke,

So I’ve been working on believing that I can make 100k in a weight loss coaching business.

I do believe this is possible.

It’s crazy scary still but everyday I’m believing more. Especially since I’ve been trying to believe it for a while now.

What I noticed is that there’s part of me or a thought that I can do that if I just did the work.

I have this negative belief that I’m not willing to do the work or that I’m not disciplined enough to get it done.

I’m wondering if I should change the thought into something that will further help me believe this.

As in “ I’m willing to do everything possible to make 100k a year in my business”

Idk if “im willing” should be worded differently.

Or maybe “I’m going” to do everything possible to make 100k a year in my business.

Any thoughts or suggestions on other ways to think about this would help. Thank you.