I met a guy….

Hey friends!

So previously all of my questions have been about constraining between priorities and goals business, weight, and personal… I am now 100% on target with my self-care weight loss journey and love it. My behind-the-scenes plan was that once I met this goal, my next would be to start dating again. It’s been about 3 years since my last tango in that arena…

Tonight, I met a guy, at a bar that I went to because my best gal pal had asked me to come meet her for a drink. It was completely unexpected… and kick-fucking-ass. We talked for nearly 2 hours. I know I was flirting. I don’t know if he was. I enjoyed his company so much, both his words and the fact that while I was watching him say them, I thought, there’s a mouth I’d like to kiss. 🙂 😉

Anyway, neither of us asked each other for phone numbers before I left, but he did make a point of telling me that he is always there on Mondays between 7.30 and 8 pm. I fully intend to drop in on Monday and connect again.

My questions for you lovely brain experts are:
1- Is this deviating from my laser focus on my weightloss goal?
2- I am both present, enjoying his company, but also observing thoughts like “how attractive am I” “was that something stupid to say?” etc. at this point in my work/ journey I am a 100% authentic human being… I dated more when I was younger, but was not always my authentic self in doing so, and those days are gladly over… are there good thoughts to practice to be in a place emotionally that are all about enjoying and being curious about the other person rather than self-watching? I was grateful that my observations of those thoughts was minimal.
3- When it does come time to for this to be my main goal… do I approach it in the same clinical way I approach my business and weight loss goals?

Thanks for reading. I am so happy that tonight happened… regardless of whether there is any “fruition” it reminded me just how fun flirting is. 🙂