I quit my jobs

I quit my jobs because I thought I wanted to start a business. I’ve done a lot of thought downloads and realized that one of the main reasons was just to make money. I was not thinking of running it full time. I was thinking I’d make enough money to pay off debt and save for CCP and then that would be the end of it. I am thinking I created a fucking mess of my life, I shouldn’t have quit my jobs, what the fuck was I thinking? I’m going to run out of money and now I’m in a place where I need to make money and I’m feeling a lot of stress and anxiety. When I even look at jobs, I just feel totally inadequate about doing any of them because I am thinking I can’t do any of them. It just seems like all of my thoughts have created this belief system where I can’t do anything right. It’s like I fired myself from my jobs because I thought I wasn’t a good fit,  and now I am seeing that I think that about all of the jobs. I think either way I need to feel discomfort to overcome this, to apply for jobs, or to build a business and I keep choosing to buffer instead. I’m mad at myself. I am afraid to fail. I’m procrastinating doing anything. Please help.