I think…… no I know, I said the wrong thing!

On my run this morning with a good friend, she was explaining to me that her husband is switching jobs to teach at another college but will not be paid over the summer months. She didn’t realize this until this week. She was talking about how they can’t afford that and what are they going to do. I was kinda shocked at 59 years old, educated people, a professor and that they have a nice home, cars etc that she would say that. I nicely, ( I truly mean , a matter of fact statement, but obviously the words were not smart) . “Oh, don’t you have an emergency fund”? She went kinda crazy, “no, of course people just don’t have 3 months of savings, I know we are losers, you don’t understand what it’s like living pay check to pay check, you have no idea, you’ve always had money, I don’t know anyone that has money like that” , I said,” I do”.(which I shouldn’t have said) but she just was so mad, She didn’t like that. I realized I was stupid and that I shouldn’t have said anything Then I tried to say, “ya, you are probably right, I am so blessed, everything will work out, you guys are smart, its just a bump in the road” . I could tell the whole run that she kept talking about money and how her kids are bad with money, and It went on and on and on. I just listened and tried to soften the blow. ( I am a people pleaser normally)
Now that I am home, I did the model.
My question is why did I say something so rude and none of my business?
Im trying how to do the model on this.
C- “Don’t you have an emergency” ? I said.
T- I thought most people at my age 59, has some sort of retirement and emergency fund, so why is she so upset?
A-I tried to soften the blow with my one rude question. by saying, “she is probably right, I understand, blah , blah , blah”
R- she said she is depressed now and I can tell she was miffed at me. 🙁

C- “Don’t you have an emergency fund”?
T- Some people don’t have emergency funds and that’s okay, and she is my good friend and I probably should have know that.
F- Curious
A- I don’t know what to do here. It’s obviously my problem and I should have know better, but why was I so rude?
R- I want to feel better but it’s hard to take back something you have said.