Idea for Results- Jamie


I was looking over my program and thinking about the results my clients would get from support and coaching. Here is what I came up with, although here’s the thing…it’s a 3 month program (starting off short to start), and sometimes it can take time to lose weight with PCOS (because women with PCOS usually have bad insulin resistance). I am losing very slowly…but still losing! So I’m wondering if it’s a bad idea to offer that as a result even though it’s a weight loss program…teaching them how to reduce insulin, how to get off sugar and flour, how to stop comparing themselves to others, how to stop overeating..a lot of the tools you taught me! I’d love to hear your thoughts…

Learn how to lose weight with PCOS and keep it off for good (?)
Reduce symptoms and feel better overall
And have a better relationship with your body
